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Explore Art NL

Photograph by Bob Brink

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by Krystle Hayden, Jovana Randjelovic, and Jessica Waterman


Solomon's Lane, St. John's

265 Duckworth St., St. John's, NL A1C 1G9

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Since 2005, the City of St. John’s has continued to provide funding for outdoor mural projects in various neighbourhoods. The (in)habit mural, located in Solomon’s Lane connecting Duckworth Street and Water Street, is a partnership between the City and the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador. The quilt-inspired mural was designed and installed by artists Jessica Waterman, Krystle Hayden and Jovana Randjelovic, with paint donated by The Paint Shop.

Waterman told Business & Arts NL in 2020 that by applying a quilting motif “in an interactive way within the space we create a pull on the viewer, through vibrant colour and design, to explore the space and surrounding area more fully.”

Artist bio

Jessica Waterman is a St. John's-based artist who studied textile design and costume design at NSCAD. Her work utilizes both wood and textiles, combining two materials she feels best reflect the character of Newfoundland and Labrador. /n Krystle is a multidisciplinary artist based in St. John’s, NL whose focus since completing her BFA in 2006 has been electronic music. This has led her to perform as a DJ in countless venues all across Newfoundland and to seek out event spaces to take over for transformation. Next to playing electronic music, as well as creating it as a side hobby, Krystle’s passion is the transform space. This led her to the collaboration on Solomon’s Lane. /n Jovana received her Master in Architecture from the Mackintosh School of Architecture, at the Glasgow School of Art, and her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto. Jovana has worked and studied in Serbia, Italy, Toronto, Scotland, and Newfoundland. Her work focuses on the architecture of remote communities, with particular emphasis on form-making informed by material scarcity and cultural connectivity.
@jovana.randjelovic @jessicawatermanart

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