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Anti-Racism Mural

by Brian Amadi



Eastern Edge Gallery, parking lot, facing Harbour Drive

72 Harbour Drive, St. John's, NL

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Initiated through talks with the newly formed BIPOC Creators Collective of NL and Eastern Edge, local artist Brian Amadi was commissioned to create a mural outside Eastern Edge at 72 Harbour Drive. This project aims to emphasize the importance of anti-racism work, and promote diversity, inclusion and respect within our communities. Sharing and creating opportunities in Newfoundland & Labrador for diverse individuals is one of the many focuses of the collective - work which Eastern Edge is thrilled to support.

“This mural contains symbolism which alludes to diversity in Newfoundland and aims to show the unity of peoples; the group, as a part of the whole. As you look at the finished piece, consider not just what meanings lay underneath, but also what the images mean to you," Amadi says.

Artist bio

Kelechi Amadi, also known as Brian Amadi, is a semi-realistic and surrealistic painter based in St. John’s, Newfoundland. He is a philosopher at heart and this almost always bleeds into his work. He started out as a digital artist but moved to a traditional medium because of his preference for physical feedback. The fifth of six children, he describes himself as a pensive artist. He is obsessed with fictional literature, including the works of Brandon Sanderson, Brent Weeks, Pat Rothfuss and many more. Art is his passion and he hopes that through his work, he can share his passion and ignite the passion in others.

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